
Subway Ticket Management System


The subway ticket management system fulfilled computerization of subway ticket management, improved many problems with labor ticket management from three aspects of station, ticket service group and ACC and dramatically promoted human resource utilization, running efficiency of the ticket system and the operational management capacity of operators. The system seamlessly integrates with AFC system to realize automatic reconciliation between card tickets and cash, difference alarm and warning, flexible system expansion and permission customization. It mainly covers cash management, ticket inventory management, invoice management and system management. The cash management is divided into revolving fund management, ticket income management, cash delivery management and statement management. The ticket management includes ACC ticket inventory management, LCC ticket inventory management and station inventory management, spreading the whole lifecycle of tickets from purchase to recycling. The invoice management involves relevant work both at the ticket service groups and stations. The system management mainly targets the management of personal information and authorities.

Business pain points

The subway ticket management system settled the low efficiency defect as subway ticketing clerks have to do and check accounts manually. The connection between the system and AFC realized the functions of automatic cash reconciliation, difference analysis, whole-life management to card tickets, payment delivery management and stocktaking, and settled the core management issue of stations, ticket service groups and ACC towards the account and truth consistency in ticket management covering cash, card tickets, invoices and materials.

Core advantages


It connects with AFC system to realize automatic account checking;


It connects with AFC system to realize automatic account checking;


Lifelong ticket management;


Lifelong ticket management;


Account and truth consistency;


Account and truth consistency;





Acquisition scheme
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